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Minnesota Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS MN) provides healthcare professionals educational conferences, networking opportunities, and a forum for sharing ideas to improve patient care. HIMSS MN members come from diverse backgrounds and are involved in some aspect of healthcare. HIMSS-MN members and sponsors make our mission a reality.



Diamond Sponsorship: $4500.00

  • An Educational Webinar marketed & hosted by MN HIMSS to the association membership.
  • Display table at MN HIMSS sponsored in-person events and at the Annual Conference.
  • 3 Complimentary registrations for every MN HIMSS event during the sponsorship term.
  • Company Information on the MN HIMSS Sponsor website directory, including a direct link to company’s website, and company description and contact information.
  • Company logo included on all digital marketing materials.
  • Attendee list from all program events based on the “opt in” by attendees.
  • 20% off additional silver or bronze event sponsorships.
  • Two shared company shoutouts annually in our Monthly Industry Insights & Monthly Newsletter.

Platinum Sponsorship: $3000.00

  • Display table at the Annual Conference.
  • 2 Complimentary registrations for every MN HIMSS event during the sponsorship term.
  • Company Information on the MN HIMSS Sponsor website directory, including a direct link to company’s website, and company description and contact information.
  • Company logo included on all digital marketing materials.
  • Attendee list from all program events based on the “opt in” by attendees.
  • 15% off additional silver or bronze event sponsorships.
  • One shared company shoutouts annually in our Monthly Industry Insights & Monthly Newsletter.

Gold Sponsorship: $1500.00

  • Company Information on the MN HIMSS Sponsor website directory, including a direct link to companies’ website, and company description and contact information.
  • Company logo included on all digital marketing materials.
  • 1 Complimentary registration for a single MN HIMSS event during the sponsorship term.
  • 10% off additional silver or bronze event sponsorships.

Silver Exclusive Event Sponsor (in-person events or online educational events): $1250.00

  • Company logo prominently displayed on all digital marketing materials for a single event.
  • 2 Complimentary registrations for this MN HIMSS event.
  • Attendee list from this event based on the “opt in” by attendees.
  • Only one sponsor will be allowed per event of this type.

Bronze Event Only Sponsor (in-person or online educational events): $750.00

  • Company logo included on all digital marketing materials for a single event.
  • 2 Complimentary registrations for a single MN HIMSS event.
  • Attendee list from the event based on the “opt in” by attendees.
  • Multiple sponsors will be allowed for events of this type.

Monthly Communication Sponsor: $750.00

  • One company shoutout and logo in either our Monthly Industry Insights or Monthly Newsletter (Shared).

Colleges and Universities $1,500.00

    • Get valuable benefits and resources for an unlimited number of students and up to five faculty. ​
    • CE Credit educational webinars.
    • Attend Networking events.

For more information contact please contact: Erik Johnson at erikj2009@gmail.com or Tim Kuebelbeck at tim.kuebelbeck@ambientclinical.com


Events are categorized as regularly scheduled conferences organized by MN HIMSS. This does not include all special events that MN HIMSS may organize such as HIMSS National Conference Socials, MN HIMSS & Minnesota Department of Health educational sessions.